Peach cushioning material, made to preserve the delicate skin of a peach. The aim was to achieve good breathability, superior flexibility, and a surrounding feeling of gentleness. Applying these technologies to mattresses is accomplished using “spaghetti processing.” An instrument that resembles a pasta machine cuts artistically to produce countless spaghetti-like slits. The mattress feels like gracefully sinking in to a feather pillow, guiding the way to a sleep experience almost like resting atop a cloud.

Imagine the entrance holes of a beehive. Imagine snowflakes. We created this new mattress with a “honeycomb structure” that incorporates the beautiful, sensible hexagon shape existing in nature, and matched it with materials that emulate the human skin. When a mother holds her baby, the warmth of the mother’s soft skin from shoulder to bosom makes the baby feel secure enough in her arms to be able to sleep. You can experience the same sense of security from this mattress as it surrounds you with new materials in hexagonal shapes.

A feeling that women have come to trust through contact with their bare skin. High durability that retains shape and texture despite repeated washings. Used as material in bra cups, we have researched polyurethane foam over the years, and it has now come to be used in international brands of bras. Able to produce the gentle feeling of enveloping a woman’s bosom, this elastic mattress material makes it easy to roll over while sleeping, and securely supports the entire body. Trusted quality that women choose to support them beautifully, and gently.